Some problems arising from bees

Unlike some insects and other flying species, bees play a key role in natural world and human life. From time immemorial, honey-bee venom has being used to treat rheumatic heart disease, neuritis, polyarthritis, asthma, spinal hurt and high blood pressure. Honey provides human body with not only nutriments but also medicinal herbs for beauty. However, this does not mean that humans can live together with bees peacefully and comfortably. All of us know that bees are very warlike. To protect their nest, worker bees always guard the entrance with strict security precautions. When their nest is threatened, they are ready to attack anyone who seems to encroach upon their nest. On the one hand, worker bees secrete one kind of chemical to warn other bees inside the nest to call for interception and more supports; on the other hand, they attack “saboteurs” by their own venom..

Humans are sensitive to bee venom in very different ways. Females, children and old people are most sensitive to this kind of venom. Healthy persons easily endure some or even tens of bee stings with just light symptoms such as rash, a little bit dwelling or burning pain. But hundreds of bee stings at one time will cause the influence of a poison with main symptoms such as cardiovascular and nervous disorder (dyspnea, pale face, rapid pulse, convulsion, light paralyses). If one healthy person is stung by 400 – 500 bees for one time, he/she may die due to paralytic respiration-centre. Some people are very sensitive to bee venom. When being stung by one bee only, they soon suffer from symptoms such as exhaust, headache, hives, vomit, diarrhea etc. (more information about bees)

Therefore, bee prevention and treatment in living spaces, especially crowded areas full of children and the elderly are needed. Best prevention ways may be:

-    Avoid accessing to bee if unnecessary.

-    Do not rouse, annoy or hurt bees (they will secrete a chemical to warn other bees) and not stick beehive when unnecessary and unsafe.

-    Do not leave houses and floors uninhabited so that bees may make nest.

-    Early discovering beehive and destroying in crowded areas or within houses. Newly-made nests should be destroyed immediately.

-    When entering the forest, avoid wearing bright-colored and motley clothes. Do not use perfume, shampoo and cosmetics of sweet smelling. Do not walk barefoot and wear big clothing. Wear cap with a visor, gloves and thick and close clothing.

-    When bees fly to you, do not run away. Just stand still and bees will not see you..

At the same time, you can treat, move or clear away the beehive in living and business areas to guarantee everybody’s safety. Driving away and controlling bees may need assistance from experts in this species. If bees now threat your family and business, let PestMan help you solve this problem!


Contact us right now to have your most suitable and effective bee control solution!