Biorat - MSDS

Material Safety Data Sheet of Biorat

Some common pests

Some common pests usually treated by technical staff of PestMan:

Some basic knowledge of mosquitoes and their harms

In reality, small mosquitoes are the most dangerous animals on Earth, even more dangerous than other...

Cislin - MSDS

Material Safety Data Sheet of

Lenfos 50EC - MSDS

Material Safety Data Sheet of Lenfos 50EC

Some popular fly species

We all know that flies live and frequently access to dirty places. Every day, they damage human food...

Life cycle of some popular cockroach species

Cockroaches have been present for over 300 million years. Their current shape is similar to fossil cockroaches...

Novithor TPC Liquid - MSDS

Material Safety Data Sheet of Novithor TPC Liquid

Mouse species causing harm

Mouse is one of most destructive rodents. According to FAO statistics, there are up to 1 billion mice...

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